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Is it OK if I admit that up until about a month ago I had never made a Shepherd’s Pie? I had eaten one once but had never made one. While I was trying to figure out what to make for dinner the Shepherd’s Pie I had had before popped into my head and I was pretty sure I had everything on hand to make it so I gave it a shot.
I did some searching around online and every recipe I found called for Lamb (so will not happen in my house) so I kept searching and found this recipe that was close and then I made a few changes so it was more like the one I had before.
Preheat the oven to 350
1lb ground beef
onion (to taste)
1 can tomato soup
2 cans cut green beans
mashed potatoes (I made mashed potatoes from real potatoes, instead of using instant)
shredded cheddar cheese
Peel, dice, boil, and mash potatoes (I used 8 potatoes).
Brown ground beef with onion (how much depends on your taste, I like a lot but Nate not so much), garlic salt, oregano and pepper (to your liking, this is how I always cook my ground beef, if you do yours differently you can just brown it like you always do).
Once ground beef is browned drain and then add tomato soup and green beans and cook until they’re warmed through.
Put the ground beef mixture in the bottom of a 9×13 casserole dish, top with the mashed potatoes, and then top with the shredded cheese. I cover the whole *pie* with cheese, the kids seem to really like that. When you put the casserole pie in the oven everything is already cooked so it just needs to be in the oven long enough to melt the cheese. I usually cook it in the oven for 20-30 minutes until the cheese is nice and melted and the tomato soup is bubbling.
I’ve made this twice now and it’s a hit with the whole family (I’ve started judging how good a meal is based on if Nate has seconds or eats leftovers – this time he did both). Even the cute recently turned 5 year old who hates all things potato and claimed over and over while I was cooking that he didn’t like tomato soup sat down to eat and after finishing his first plate said “I forgot I really like Shepherd’s Pie!”
*why is it so hard to take a decent picture of a casserole? I tried like 200 pictures of this thing and it looks less than lovely, any tips/tricks would be greatly appreciated!!
We’re headed off with the WHOLE crew backpacking for the weekend. I am pretty excited, pray that it doesn’t snow on us and have a wonderful weekend!
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